Maestro orafo Designer di gioielli certificato dallo Stato
Hauptstraße 51 | 90547 Stein
Telefono +49 (0) 911674958
WhatsApp 0176 36377851

Beatrice Müller achieved a remarkable success at the international Speaker Slam, which took place in Berlin on September 18, 2020. She was presented with the award.
[…] and the outdoor jewelry showcases are newly stocked and visible. Visitors will receive vouchers from the studio from 09.03.2021 until the end of the month. You can also visit the Take plants from 8.3. free of charge (only while stocks last). Under the motto “Paradise is growth out of itself”, a strong connection is […]
[…] as a bit of a crazy jewelry designer who creates small antennae with feathers, rings made of concrete or anti-corona jewelry made of brass. And I am also a mentor, as you can see on my new website. You might ask yourself, why is Beatrice doing this? The answer is quite simple: there is […]
What is the meaning of jewelry? Beatrice Müller addresses the topic in a review of her professional career. With the title “Jewelry is not decoration…and the wearer is not an advertising column,” the newly qualified author puts on paper what her works of art have long embodied. They convey messages that capture the spirit […]
48,00 € inkl. MwSt.
description du produit Ne serait-ce pas bien si vous pouviez simplement rayer tout ce qui vous agace et cela disparaîtrait ? Vous pouvez faire le premier pas. Mettez fin au stress ! Ce collier est votre bouclier protecteur personnel, votre talisman contre le stress quotidien. Il est en même temps un ambassadeur qui rend votre […]
descrizione del prodotto Non sarebbe bello se potessi semplicemente barrare tutto ciò che ti dà fastidio e farlo scomparire? Puoi fare il primo passo. Basta con lo stress! Questa collana è il tuo scudo protettivo personale, il tuo talismano contro lo stress quotidiano. Allo stesso tempo, è un ambasciatore che rende le vostre preoccupazioni visibili […]
description du produit Ne serait-ce pas bien si vous pouviez simplement rayer tout ce qui vous agace et cela disparaîtrait ? Vous pouvez faire le premier pas. Mettez fin au stress ! Ce collier est votre bouclier protecteur personnel, votre talisman contre le stress quotidien. C’est en même temps un ambassadeur qui rend votre préoccupation […]